сряда, 3 февруари 2010 г.

Some partial success with lib3ds. This image have problems with raytraced shadows. It seems there isn't any information on the net how to fix that problems which are common for this type of shadows.

сряда, 18 февруари 2009 г.

New features to Shiny raytracer

It was a long time with no update, because i was busy at work, but last week i had some time and i added to Shiny an implementation of KDTREE with SA heuristic and mesh loader. For KDTREE - I used some resources from books "Physical based rendering" and "Real Time Collision detection" and it is working just fine. As you can see on the picture, this rabbit mesh have 871414 triangles and it is rendered for 0.36 sec in 640x480 resolution. For mesh loader i am using ply_loader or something that sounds similar, which i got from a web site and i can tell you this piece of code waste me alot of time. I spend 2 days debugging my perfectly written KDTREE to find out that the bug is actually in mesh loader which wasn't loading all triangles in mesh. I still don't know what will be the next features added on Shiny, i am still thinking about it. But for now i'll try to optimize my KDTREE and find a better mesh loader.

неделя, 5 октомври 2008 г.

Comming soon

I am currently working on implementing KD-tree acceleration for Shiny raytracer,loading and rendering triangle meshesh. Stay tuned :)

сряда, 7 май 2008 г.

Shiny raytracer got new features
* Point Lights
* Reflective Material

сряда, 26 март 2008 г.

This is sample images of my raytracer i am working on for a few weeks in my free time.
It has following features so far:

Multi core CPU support.
Full implementation of Phong model.

This is history of raytracer in images
Simple raycasting

Phong shading model

Phong shading model + shadows